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LACIM 2022 - International Conference

Paris, 16-18, November, 2022

The first international conference organized by the European network on linguistics and languages of the Anatolia-Caucasus-Iran-Mesopotamia area (LACIM) will be held in Paris from 16 to 18 November, 2022.

LACIM is a European network of linguists engaged in research on the languages ​​of Anatolia, the Caucasus, Iran and Mesopotamia. We are primarily interested in the interplay of contact and heritage that has shaped the region's current linguistic ecology, through millennia of interaction. As such, our research program transcends the boundaries of the different language families that are present in the region and pursues an interdisciplinary approach.

LACIM has developed from workshops held at the Inalco / Labex EFL in Paris in 2018 and 2019. The network became operational in 2020 with various activities:

  • The launching of the LACIM website and its mailing list.

  • A monthly webinar in 2020-2021, including 6 talks, and to be continued in 2022 (see:

  • Online courses with lecture series on various languages of the area, granted with ECTS credits in a set of European universities. (see:

The conference is the landmark event of the network. It will take place on a biennial basis, and will include a plenary session as well as thematic workshops. Workshops can focus on the whole area or a part of it. Workshops on a specific language/family may nevertheless be accepted, provided they address a research question that is typologically/theoretically relevant for the area.

Plenary session : call for papers

We invite abstracts that address various issues from all areas of linguistics and adopt different approaches (typological, formal, experimental, usage-based, etc.).

Abstracts for 30 minute talks must contain at most 1000 words, including examples but not references. At the top of the abstract, please include (1) the abstract title and (2) three or four keywords describing the topics of the paper. Abstracts must be anonymous. Submissions are limited to 1 individual and 1 joint abstract per author, or 2 joint abstracts per author.

All abstracts must be submitted via Easychair at the following link:

EXTENDED Deadline for abstract submission: 15th, April, 2022

Call for Workshop Proposals

Workshops will cover a total of four to five hours presentation time, organized into eight to ten slots, each of 30-minutes (20 mins. presentation + 10 mins. discussion).

Each workshop comprises:

1. an introductory talk by the convenor(s) or by a keynote speaker, which summarizes the subject of the workshop, specifies the approach(es) to be taken and sets the scope of the papers to be presented. It is possible for the organizers to apply for funding keynote speakers’ expenses from the conference budget.

2. 6 to 8 presentations.

3. a slot for a final discussion on the topics covered by the papers, methodological issues and questions for future research and/or a publication.

Workshop proposals must contain:

(i) a description of the topic and research questions (between 900 and 1100 words).

(ii) five keywords

(iii) a (provisional) list of workshop participants and their provisional abstracts (max. 300 words per abstract).

Workshop proposals must be submitted as one file in pdf and be sent to:

Deadline for submission: 24th, January, 2022

Notification: 21th, February, 2022

Scientific Committee

Christiane Bulut (Nikosia)

Anaid Donabedian (Paris)

Geoffrey Haig (Bamberg)

Geoffrey Khan (Cambridge)

Pollet Samvelian (Paris)

Stavros Skopeteas (Göttingen)

Nina Sumbatova (Moscow)

Announcing the Conference

Linguist list

Lingtyp (check)

LACIM mailing list

Our local and personal networks and lists

Suggestions for keynote speakers: (by the end of the week)


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